Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blog #3 Gattaca First draft


  A place where there exist discriminations because of ones genes would not be considered a utopia. Gattaca is one of this places is an attempt of a utopia places but instead I considered as a dystopia. There is no trust at all in this place, if it would be perfect there would not be no murders. In a utopia place there would be no classes but in Gattaca it happens to have classes and the lower ones are treated as slaves. 
   Imagine a place where your genes are discriminated if your parents did not follow the procedure that they were supposed to do? And you were conceived naturally; well this place is call Gattaca  for me is an dystopia place because if you did not came to the world how they wanted you to be then you would be an invalid person in their society. It will be really hard to follow your dreams but for Vincent this is not an obstacle, he persuade his dream which was to go to the universe.
   Vincent was conceived naturally and this makes him be an invalid person, but in order to follow his dream he. He was going to have short life and not have a high IQ. But this was not an issue for him he did everything he could he actually was a very smart person who got away with his strategy and became part of the members of his dream job. Gatacca was more like an attempt of a utopia place because there were higher classes then other. If it was supposed to be a utopia place everybody would be the same and others would not be treated like slave as Vincent said ones when he started cleaning in this place.
    In a utopia place there would not be crimes at all, and what happened to the director of the company was a murdered. This makes Gatacca a complete Dystopia place. One would not be able to trust the people that were around you and the people that were examining the crime were suspected that a person that did not have anything to do with it committed the crime.
     In Gattaca the person that where valid did not have a terminal illness but this does not make it utopia. There were some like Irene that had heart problems she was not perfect at all but was part of the society.
     When a child is born in their society they have already study all their genes their hair color, skin color, eyes etc…  and  what are their physical conditions, since Vincent’s parents did not follow this procedure when he was born he was considered the other. The Doctor who always  The Doctor who always saw Vincent at work once told him that his son was exactly like him he was considered  the other and that’s why he could not achieve what he wanted to do.

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