Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blog #7. The Allegory of The Cave through History

     In the allegory of the cave Socrates talks about this people who were in a cave their whole life chained together. The only reality they saw was their shadows and that was the only truth to their eyes; for them that was reality. The allegory is very relevant to our lives. Media plays a big role now a days and advertisements are what keep us humans interested in a every single product that is coming out, or just we just leave ourselves fall in the temptation.
     There are so many advertisements that show us a product that in reality is not the same. For instance when there is commercial in The T.V or in a poster about MC Donald’s, one sees this hamburger which looks delicious and looks huge because they say that comes with double meet or extra cheese which is true but at the end of the day when you go to the actual store and buy it because you expect the same thing you saw in the advertisement it ends up being complete lie. The hamburger is not what you expected is look way smaller and yes it might have extra cheese and double meet but it does not look like in the commercial.  This is one situation in life were we live in an illusion.
     One often sees these advertisements and we always fall in the same game.  We refuse to accept that they exaggerate in advertising a product just so people can but it. One only buys a product because they in a commercial they say it is the best and better than other ones. There a lot more advertisements like the one from MC Donald’s and we get carry away just because of what we see. I love how the carton we saw in class shows exactly what I am talking about and how life in now a days we also live in this cave were the T.V. and the internet is everything.  Us humans live in this world where everything is about the media and what they want us to see in order to persuade us.

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